Hot Reloading (HMR)

Hot Module Reloading

Hot Module Reloading (HMR) is a feature baked in since AdonisJS 6.x.x that allows automatic reloading of modified files without having to restart the entire server.

Until recently, the traditional way of working with AdonisJS was to launch the dev server with the command node ace serve --watch, which would take care of completely restarting the server/node process each time a file was modified, just like Nodemon does for example.

This process usually works well, but sometimes it's not the most efficient during development for a few reasons:

  • If you use TSX as a template engine, even a small change in a view file requires a full server restart.
  • Having many packages set up can slow down the server restart process. Waiting for the server to restart can be frustrating.
  • The more complex your application becomes, the longer the server takes to restart.
  • And waiting 1 or 2 seconds every time you make a change before being able to see the result, can be frustrating.

To correct these issues and improve the development experience, AdonisJS 6.x.x introduced Hot Module Reloading (HMR) based on Hot-Hook, also developed by the Core Team.

Make sure to read the extensive documentation of Hot-Hook to get a better understanding of the underlying concepts. We gonna cover the AdonisJS specific part in this documentation.

We also recommend reading the blog post Hot Module Reloading in AdonisJS to get a better understanding of the feature.


First, make sure you have AdonisJS version 6.x.x. Then, you can configure HMR in your package.json. You will generally only need to specify the list of your controllers via a glob pattern.

"name": "adonis-app",
"type": "module",
// ...
"hotHook": {
"boundaries": [

If your controllers are in a different directory, you will need to adjust the glob pattern accordingly.

What is a boundary? Make sure to read the Hot-Hook documentation about this concept.

TL;DR: In Hot Hook, modules marked as "boundaries" create an area where HMR is applied, allowing for dynamic reloading of these modules and their dependencies.

Modifications outside these boundaries require a full server restart.


To launch the server with HMR, you will need to use the command node ace serve --hmr instead of node ace serve --watch.

node ace serve --hmr

If you modify a controller, you will see that the server does not restart, but the modifications will be taken into account: you will always have the latest version of your code.

Cleaning up side-effects

It's important to note that HMR does not automatically clean up your modules' side effects. Consider the following case:

export default class UsersController {
store() {
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)

If this controller is modified, the server will not restart, and consequently, the setInterval will not be cleaned up, meaning if HMR is applied multiple times to this file, then multiple setInterval will be created and executed at the same time.

Two solutions are available to avoid this kind of problem. The first is to clean up side-effects using

let interval: NodeJS.Timeout => {
export default class UsersController {
store() {
interval = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)

The callback passed to will be executed each time the module is reloaded. This way, we ensure that the setInterval is properly destroyed when the module is reloaded.

The second solution, sometimes simpler, is to disable HMR for this file using
export default class UsersController {
store() {
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)

By using, HMR will not be applied to this file : the server will restart when this file is updated.


Un-reloaded files

In AdonisJS, only your controllers and their dependencies are automatically reloaded. If you modify, for example, a provider or a configuration file, your server will be completely restarted: which makes sense because these files are executed only at the startup of your application. So it is necessary to restart the server for the modifications to be taken into account.

Dynamic imports

You will need to use controllers and dynamic imports, otherwise HMR will not work :

// ✅ Works
const UserController = () => import('#controllers/users_controller.js')
router.get('/users', [UserController, 'index'])
// ❌ Does not work
import UserController from '#controllers/users_controller.js'
router.get('/users', [UserController, 'index'])
// ❌ Does not work too
router.get('/users', () => {
return User.all()

If you use the ESLint configuration of AdonisJS, the dynamic import of the controller will be automatically applied.

For more information on this subject, consult this part of the Hot hook documentation